
Brussels Breast Surgery Fellowship 2022

Dr. Ivo Moreno – Cirugía Plástica


It is an honor for me to communicate great news in my professional career. I have been selected as this year’s winner of the “BRUSSELS BREAST SURGERY FELLOWSHIP”.

I want to express my gratitude to the director of the program Professor Moustapha Hamdi (@prof._m_hamdi), with whom I am excited to work and learn. Likewise, I want to extend my gratefulness to the entire scientific committee: Alex Nistor MD, PhD., Randy de Baerdemaeker MD. (@dr.randydebaerdemaeker), Jaume Masià MD (@drjaumemasia), PhD. and Vivian Thompson (@polytechhealth).

Lastly, I would like to thank my family and professors Dr. Juan Fernando Rengel and Dr. Álvaro Ontaneda (@alvarontaneda) for their support and teachings that have allowed me to reach this point in my career. I am very excited to start this new adventure, where I am sure I will grow both as a professional and as a person. (@rmes_school)